Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where Do I Go and Where Am I?

Five Cities and Five States
This subject comes from a book I am reading by Tom Ruddell, 11 Words for Winning Finding Certain Success In An Uncertain WorldThe book was a recommended reading this month from my business mentor Lennon Ledbetter.  Many people don't know where they are on life's highway nor really know exactly where they are going for sure.  The way Tom Ruddell explains things in his book really made a lot of sense to me.  I am sharing it with you, so maybe you could benefit to think on finding where you are at right now and help find where you are going with your life.  Okay, here are the Five Cities: 
1. City of Joy - The State of Grace: Self-actualization, spiritual fulfillment, 
  attitude of gratitude.
2. Fat City - The State of Affluence: Material comfort or success, ego satisfaction/status, conventional happiness. 
3. Malasia - The State of Mediocrity: Moving in circles, going nowhere, endurable pain, complain, then watch TV.
4. Purgatoria - The State of Anxiety: Ongoing change/upheaval, hope/striving for something better, pain and/or unhappiness for now.
5. Hades Gulch - The State of Despair: Misery, little or no hope, the ultimate rut.

It is explained that the road leads to each city and through each state.  I really liked how Mr. Ruddell explains the process we move from one city to the next.  Purgatoria is temporary and unfortunately circumstances (i.e. divorce, loss of income, ill health, death, etc.) can move us from one city for instance, Fat City, all the way down to Hades Gulch.  Some people see it as the end of the road for them and settle there and don't know how to get out of it.  Others know the set-back is only temporary and decide they will do whatever it takes to get back on their feet and move up to Purgatoria.  In Purgatoria we struggle and only get by from paycheck-to-paycheck and work several jobs to make ends meet.  Some people settle here and are miserable and others are making plans and taking action to move up in life.  For a vast majority people will end up in Malasia, because they feel comfortable.  I have summed up this topic from the book; however, I would encourage anyone to read it to get the full context of the subject mater. 

Personally, I have spent most of my life in the lesser three cities.  My sights are on the City of Joy!  I know some day soon I will get there and every day I work on ME to be prepared for the journey to "The City of Grace".  If making it to that city isn't meant for me here on Earth it will be for sure in Heaven!  Today I woke up blessed to see another day and make the best of it with family and friends and take action towards my personal goals. 

What City are you visiting and where are you headed?  May your life be blessed today!  Thanks for visiting my blog and hope we can share this life journey together to get where we all want to be on this highway.  Please let me know your thoughts on this post.  If you are at a fork in the road you are not alone and things can get better!

