Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Road Trip

I am back! Wow did I have some lessons to learn this past week road tripping from Indiana to New Mexico and back!  I will try to keep it simple as what was observed.

1. Hitch-hikers along the route holding signs at gas stations in Missouri, Texas, and mostly in New Mexico on Route 66. 
2. Businesses expanding in many locations through St. Louis, Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Amarillo. 
3. Gas prices lowest in Oklahoma and highest in New Mexico.  We skipped getting gas in Illinois and New Mexico.
4. It is possible to survive a trip with five awesome kids!
5. Two times we had tire issues and after 8 PM, good luck at finding a place open for tire repair in Indianapolis.
6. It is possible to go six hours, in a vehicle without talking to your spouse...LOL!
7. A fun rest stop is in Missouri, at the World's Largest Gift Shop and Candy Store!  
8. At home there was a church holding a movie night with free food at a neighborhood park.  In the middle of the movie, for intermission, a moment was shared for a testimonial and half of the people got up and left shouting, "this is like church stuff  and we don't want to hear about God garbage" and grabbed their kids and left their blankets and sheets on the ground where they were sitting.
9. Many people I met were concerned about their health and paying for example over $200.00 for blood pressure medicine and similar medicines.  Concerned over having a second job.  Upset their retirement is not enough and needing to work.  Some not having a retirement and working past 70 years of age.  
10. People in Oklahoma, head to the casinos in hopes to win and deal with losing their hard earned cash.
11. Meth is prevalent and growing in usage for those feeling at loss, more house break-ins heard in the news and seen.  It is common to see when economy is down crime is on the rise and people get creative.
12. New housing and construction going on in several locations that seem to be thriving.
13. There is nothing like eating southern smoked BBQ beef ribs!

I will end on this note: People we are living in tough times and we live in a country of hope and prosperity.  Don't throw your money and talent away turning to casinos and drugs!  Don't lose your faith in God! There are ways to leverage your time for money instead of being leveraged yourself to get ahead.  If you are doing what everyone else is doing you will end up broke or living on a fixed income living on less as expenses goes up.  Let's change this scene and get ahead for God does not give us dreams without a means to achieve them.  Life is about choices and today is the day to make the decision to make the difference for yourself and your family!  Contact me and I would love to help you live healthier and wealthier.  Let's enjoy our true freedom!
