Sunday, March 25, 2012

Reaching Out

What are you tired of?

1. Working to get more money?
2. Not having enough time with family and friends or taking vacation?
3. Spinning your wheels to get somewhere and end up somewhere else or back at square one?

What am I tired of?

1. Going to work and hearing Rolling Stones play in my head..."I Can't Get No Satisfaction"!
2. Having a promotion I worked for and taken years of work and schooling to be done away with due to politics and find myself in a dead end job.  Yep, got three year to retire and now policies change to try and kick me out, because I broke my wrist at work to get medically boarded.  
3.  Realizing my retirement is not enough to support my family and medical benefits are decreasing and costing more out of my pocket.
4. Seeing my retired parents work all of their life to own nothing as their health is not improving.
5. We make more products that hurt our environment and health.
6. All the negative news of people wanting the government to fix our problems.

What is there to be excited about?

1. A way to be financially free!
2. A way to leverage my time for dollars!
3. A way to make my money grow and set up an inheritance for my children, something my parents and grandparents were not able to do and I had to/will have to inherit their debt.  Not my kiddos!
4. When the church needs money to build,  a child needs help, a family needs assistance, the Boy Scouts needs assistance, or a friend wants to start a business I can answer the call.
5.  The people I am friends with are helping so many people every day.  This team has helped people in areas declared starvation areas.  The business has helped over 200 families earn residual income of six figures.  This business has helped 90 families reach one million dollar incomes in the past 10 years.  Most have seen success at this level in two to three years of building a business with our team.
6. I am living healthier and the disease I was diagnosed with no longer exists and I can eat anything without an issue.  My wrist healed in two months earlier and no surgery required on the nerve or tendons.  That medical review board has been canceled! 
7. God is Awesome all the time!  In the Bible it states: God will prosper us!  I am paraphrasing here.  I love working my business and hearing people's testimony of what great things God has done to bless them and led them to do for others!  By the way when God increases your finances be sure to give your 10% to the church.
8. I am able to reach out and help so many people so they can be successful too!  It is not about me as it is about what I can do to help others. What a great feeling!

If you want to be in a place in your life where you can reach out let me know!  Thanks and God bless!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Job Sight

 When focusing your sights what do you focus on? You focus on the JOB the TARGET!  Well, if you are not use to focusing your sights on a target that would be a common mistake made.  You focus on your sights first and line them up with your targetThe target is actually blurry compared to the clearness of your focus on your sights.  If you have this sight picture then you have proper target acquisition.  In other words: Does your sights line up with your target? If you focus on the target, in this case the job, and not on your front sight/cross-hairs you will not hit the target like you planned.  Sure your shot will go down range, but where will it actually hit?

I have lined up some examples for you to look over and evaluate their sight picture.  What was their focus and are they able to hit their target? Which one seems most like yours? 

Word this week on the street about jobs:
Figured I would take a field test on the job market.  This is what I have witnessed this week. 
 1) A Coca~Cola driver, Nathan, stated he was needing to find a new job.  His company was cutting everyone's salary back to $25,000 annually and increasing his route to service 15 more customers.  Instead of getting off at 3:30 PM, he is now getting off work at 7:30 PM, for 12 hours, five days a week.  On top of that he was having to sell raffle tickets along his route.  He was 28 YOA and is waiting on being selected for the next Police Academy.  Eight years of hard work to get his pay cut in half and to work a lot harder.  It was time for him to move on to something else.

2) Next I spoke with a fuel truck driver, Timothy, and when I approached him he received a phone call for a job offer with a freight trucking company.  He was excited! The 55 YOA man was selected to have an interview the next day to be paid $35.00 an hour and $.49 per mile he drove working 12 hours a day and only a four minute away from his house.  He currently was getting work for three days a week  to ship fuel and having to travel 35 miles to work. 

3) John is retiring next month with 24 years of military service, and struggling to get a job offer.  Then yesterday got a job offer for a federal job in Alaska.  It is the only offer he has with his experience and education, after looking for the past five months for his next career.

4) Paul retired from his third job at 72 YOA, and figures he is ready to retire and has everything paid off with three retirement checks coming in.  He is on his third marriage too!

5) Get this!  There are seven federal employees I know who have to the end of the month to pass a physical fitness test that just came out this year, as a requirement for them to keep their jobs.  They are 50-62 YOA, and have some health problems and are hard workers.  The men are facing not having a retirement or forced to retire early.

6) A 27 YOA young man, Matthew, works from home and owns two houses, and makes over six figures a month.  A business owner since he was 21 and is debt free.  Helps people to do what he does to leverage their time for money.

Check this site out for info on 2011 jobs.

Great Read:
Overcoming Time Poverty How to Achieve More by Working Less, by Bill Quain, Ph.D. 

Thanks for visiting and love to hear your comments!  Have a blessed day!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sight Test On Reality

What Do You See?
If you are like most people you will normally see the good before you see the evil!  Sometimes what we see in black and white is not what it really seems after all.  Probably some of you thought you saw a heart and the head of something from Jurassic Park!  Today I want to take you on an adventure of seeing life as it really is for most of us.  Hang on for an exciting post that I hope will generate some discussion.

Time to decipher fact from fiction:
Okay, we hear so many stories and don't know what to believe most of the time on so many issues with life.  We tend to fall back on what we know to be true; however,  what we know is it really true?  Is it love or infatuation?  Are we really free or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Did you really give to charity for a good cause or funded a terrorist organization?  Is that a real church or a cult?  Are we fighting for oil, economic stability, peace and happiness or fighting for our lives in a real Holy War that we don't understand?  Are our kids getting a real education or being sold on false information about the real world?  Are we teaching our kids to handle disappointments or take it out with anger and violence?  Are the products we use really safe for us or killing us to make someone a hefty profit?  Are we spurring our economy or breaking our economy?  

Now I have your interest you have some food for thought!  I will try to help us see the facts and will require your help.  Maybe you will see something I haven't seen or in a different light.  

Time for my real-life story to validate a point on what are we really seeing.
What I have to share is not easy and lives with me every day.  I was posted in a tower on the base perimeter to observe the city, surrounding a part of the base in Iraq.  A  car parked on side of the road as if broken down and the men sat facing down the road.  They were approximately 250 meters in front of my location at a major intersection.  It was just before dusk when this took place.  A UN convoy was approaching the intersection as I intently observed the car.  The three men seemed nervous and sat still for the convoy to pass.  I had called in the suspicious vehicle and advised to keep my eyes on them.  It was common for cars to break down or wait on the side of the road for a guy to walk over with jugs of fuel to sell.  

A few minutes passed and then the guy in the back seat began moving around.  The other two just sat in the car talking.  Then the back seat passenger opened the passenger side door, away from me and on the curb side and remained in the car. The height of the curb met with the bottom level of the car.  My view was obscured.  Soon the man sat up and got still with the other men facing forward.  I looked towards the intersection to see another convoy approaching. This time it was a US Army patrol.  I intently focused on the vehicle and was calling in the situation to my control to relay to the US Army.  It was nerve racking.  I was positioned and ready to take a shot at any sign I had of hostility.  The patrol passed and nothing happened.  

About 20 minutes passed when I noticed a van pull up and two men got out and greeted the three men in the car.  They hooked up a tow strap to the car and pulled it away.  I was trying to put everything I was observing together, when it dawned on me.  Hey, they never once checked the hood of the vehicle.  They never walked around the vehicle.  They were nervous and never looked around, except to check their mirrors.  The guy in the back seat kept moving around, and ducking up and down.  They were not broke down they were setting the vehicle up as a VBIED. Why did they only have the back passenger door open?  I relayed my concerns and getting a patrol to respond was taking forever.  The vehicle was towed away and 45 minutes had passed.  

The sun sat and now it was all dark.  Hour and a half later my phone rang in my tower.  Control was congratulating me on being spot on with my azimuth and range of where the incident occurred.   They then told me EOD had been to the site and discovered a 500 pound bomb (IED) set up on the side of the curb where the car had been parked.  It was wired to remote detonate.  They congratulated me on saving several lives that day and my own.  Messed up, I sat for over two hours, with a bomb in front of me large enough to take me out too.

The next day my troops were posted in towers along the perimeter next to the city, when our world got rocked.  I was walking to the dinning facility when that side of the city was exploding.  Non of my troops were hurt, and one of my troops was wearing his salad, as he was knocked to the back wall of his tower.  Another one of my troops was posted on a roof top when a second VBIED went off and shrapnel was falling all around him from a steak bed truck.  The car I had seen was the first VBIED that went off and took out the Iraqi Police Station.  That day 29 people were killed.  

If only I was sure at the time they were up to no good and had sound proof for the okay, I could have taken them all out and prevented the devastation.  Two of my troops now are discharged for PTSD. Maybe I should have kept this to myself.

You see, it appeared to be a normal break down on the side of the road.  Something we see every day and think nothing otherwise.  That is what we are lead to believe.  In reality we are being deceived.  At what cost are we being deceived?  

Take Away:
Today, think about our economy and think about the questions I have posed for you and let's look at what we know to be good for us, or is it actually that good.   Some things really need to be looked at and we can make the difference in our own lives and the lives of others.   

I realize this post is long...will keep them shorter. Look forward to your comments!  God bless!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Time Is Ticking For My Redheaded Step-Son

Yes, I really do have a redheaded step-son!  He is 19 years old and a wonderful young man with strong family values.  Typical young man who has to experience life for himself.  Not sure what he wants to do with his life, but wants to make his own way.  I admire his desire to take on personal responsibility.  He lives with his dad and has to pay rent, car, phone, insurance and food.  He gets employed for three months through a temp agency to work in factories.  He currently is on his third factory working long hours and broke.  He owns two cars and just sold the third one.  One car is broke down and the other is a Vista Cruiser, a real gas hog getting 4 miles to the gallon.  Recently, he commented to his friends that he is considering getting another more economical car.  Young people his age responded to him to get another job to make more money. His 15 year old brother suggested he get a more economical car and keep his Vista Cruiser to cruise around town.  The 15 year old likes the joy rides he gets with his older cool brother - gotta keep the car!

Wait a minute: Really, get another job to make more money?
Seriously, what are we teaching young people today?  We are punching the clock more today than we were 15 years ago.  Most families have less time at home with both parents working a job.  Most people seeking retirement are trying to get two or three jobs to retire from to live comfortably and have a retirement.  What we have been doing all along is a broken system of working on hope.  Work, work, work, and hope for a retirement or a promotion.  We need to teach our children a better way of balancing their time for dollars.  Make their money work for them instead of them always working for the dollar.  Yes, initially work for the dollar and learn to properly invest it to work for them.  I am not suggesting mutual funds either.

Great point: but what am I doing about it?
It is right in my own face with my boy.  I am trying to show him a better way to live and introduce him to people his age that are listening and making it happen.  If you raise kids they go with the norm of their peers and parents don't know a thing.  Well for my boy I took him out for lunch today and bought only him a juicy steak meal.  The young man about fell all over himself getting a break from food in a vending machine and Raman Noodles. I am not happy he is living the way he is nor how his dad treats him.  I explained to him a business concept that is working for a young man his own age, who doesn't have a job and is free!  This young man is profiting $5,000 plus a month.   I think the 12 - 15 hours a day, swing-shift, for six days a week is not setting too well for my boy.  He has to learn his own way, I hope not for too long.  

Break the cycle people!
Yes, there is a better way to live and not have to get another job!  There is a better way to spend quality time with your family!  There is a better way to experience freedom!  Be committed to your dream!  Be dedicated to work for your dream!  Know you are actually doing something to get financially free and make the income you desire and with people who want to see you succeed.  No I am not talking about getting rich quick.  I am talking about helping people to spend more time with their family and feel less stressed and happy.  I am talking about living healthier too!  Interested?  Then contact me!  I believe my boy is beginning to see what I have been sharing with him.  He is young and needs to experience life for himself to really understand the struggle so many of us have come to understand over the years.  Together we can break the cycle!