Sunday, August 7, 2011

Crime of the Mind Matrix

What has our world come to when people think they are only as good as their education, circumstances, and the government is to blame for their problems, and to depend on social services to save them?  I have always believed: God created all men equal, in His image and to not suffer His children, but prosper us. For we are blessed with seeds of Greatness!  Folks, God did not make this world we live in the way it is today - man has made it what it is today.  We must understand we were all born for a purpose and not to be a work slave and have nothing to show for ourselves. We live in the richest country in the world and a country of the free!  That is exciting and a blessing!  Unfortunately, I have noticed people live in captivity of their mind, due to what we are taught in school, and what we are exposed to daily at work and in the news.  It is time to break free of what I call the Mind Matrix.

Many people say, " I can't afford this and I can't afford that, because I don't have the time.  I don't have the money.  I don't have the education.  I am too old to do something different.  This is all I can do right now.  I need a job, I need a degree - that piece of paper that is my ticket to success.  If I could afford it I would be doing this or doing that and I wouldn't be in this mess."  You get the picture.  Reason we make these excuses is for no other reason than by what we were taught growing up.  Robert Kiyosaki points out, "We are taught to go to school, get good grades, work hard, and retire."   

America was built on the backs of entrepreneurs, (i.e. farmers, merchants, tradesmen, etc) who had a dream to be free and be self evident.  Today working for the government is the most secure means of having a steady income and a retirement, because it isn't going away.  We have a country to defend and services to provide to our citizens.  We work for the government because we take pride in being a free nation and have a sense of service to keep it that way.  The problem is people look to the government for all of it's answers to solve their problems.  Now look at ourselves in the mirror.  Our circumstances today are not solely the governments - it is our responsibility and we have to take ownership of what we have personally done in order to better ourselves too.  

Education is not free anymore.  It has become a business market for our hard earned money.  I have spoken with a Dean of Business at a University and he told me I was right on.  He said, "professors look out for themselves for tenure and not really interested in making sure students have a career in their degree.  Here's the study material, take the test, and make a passing grade.  Good luck with your success!"  How many people have degrees and don't work in their specialized field?  How many people attend college and universities with a huge sum of debt to pay off on top of trying to find a job, and raise a familyThis is one example of legalized crime of the mind matrix.  It is a false hope for most, like paying tons of money to win the lottery.  Congrats on your degree!  Welcome to the real world - uh by the way you owe us and we are here to collect from you.  Your first bill is due on such and such date!  Wow!  You graduated and you are working for $8 to $12.00 an hour, and making no more than a guy without a degree.  That to me folks is wrong.  I am sorry if anyone reading this has been down this road.  You are not alone.  I will say, congratulations on your degree and you have proven you can set goals and achieve them.  

Next mind matrix is: Work hard all of your life and retire.  Most companies today don't want to pay you for retirement.  What a legal crime they are doing to people every day.  I witnessed a guy move his family from Illinois to Oklahoma, to be promoted to Vice President of the sub-division in his companyHe had just bought a new house and had his other house on the market to sell.  When the Company HQ decided they were going to let him go, because they needed to cut costs by making draw-backs on personnel.  The guy was 63 years old, and had only two years to retire and had been with the company for 29 years.  The guy pleaded for his job and they had the security guards make sure he didn't enter the building, or have the police called on him for loitering and possibly disturbing the peace.  Now that is wrong and it happens to so many people every day.  

How many times do you hear about having a 401K plan, that is the way to take your retirement with you from job-to-job?  When 401K plans first came out they were only good with the company you worked with and if terminated the money either went back to the company, or some companies would let you collect it.  The 401K was a tool designed for companies to not have the full burden of supplying people with a retirement for the rest of their lives.   Then stocks was another investment.  Well, if the company stayed around you had a retirement, but if they went under....sorry for your luck. 

The good news is there is a better way of investing your time and money -  by learning to leverage.  You really need to do yourself a favor and become Financially Intelligent.  Many people want to get into real estate.  Spend lots of money to get smart on investing in real estate. Great goal; however, if you don't have the funds it is really bad timing.  I recommend you start a network marketing business.  Something you can do on the side and build up, so you can have the money to invest and have an asset that pays you.  What if you lose your job?  Well, you still have income coming in to cover your bills and putting food on your table.  Then there are tax advantages!  You can always save money in a savings account and draw interest of 2% for the month.  Then how about investing that same money in your own business and get an actual 50% return for the month on every dollar?  Not all companies pay-out the same, so if you don't know what to look for you may be getting 23% when told you are getting up to 50%.  Hey that isn't so bad, at least you are doing something and not in the mind matrix of saving your money!

I have shared some free information that usually costs you money somewhere else.  Thanks for taking time to read this post.  Please be mindful of the Mind Matrix.  It should be seen as a real crime, because it is people like you and I who are paying the price of being in debt up to our eye balls and not getting ahead.  I am breaking free of the matrix.  How about you?  How about being free and being able to say I can afford and God created me and will prosper me?  What a feeling and joy we will share together!  Break free of the matrix and live and be happy!  You are smart and no one should tell you otherwise degree or not you are still educated!

Hope I have made some sense here and really want the best for my fellow brothers and sisters, no matter what your background God has a plan to prosper you.  Take action and take control of your life.  We have one life to live and lets make the best of it!  Contact me and lets make a difference in your life - God bless!



  1. Jane,
    Jeff and I took a class with Dave Ramsey...Don't know if you know him...however, he is very knowledgeable for the average guy...I could understand him! He has been through some tough times in his life and he is trying to get the information out there that will help us all be independent. I LOVED the class...he was informative and funny! Two of my favorite things. Thanks for the blog...I love reading it! Hugs alot.
    Cherie (and Jeff)

  2. Cherie (and Jeff) :D,

    I have heard of Dave Ramsey. I would love to try his program...I get scared because I know its so much commitment...even though I have heard he has literally saved hundreds of peoples financial lives! I will look into trying it :D

    That is mainly why my husband started our business...he doesn't have very many more years in the military and knowing how hard it is to find jobs, even with the proper education, we wanted to depend on ourselves. So far so good!!! He has been working so hard and getting results...I keep saying to myself "slow and steady..." LOL

    Thanks for your comments!! Can't wait to catch up SOON!

    Hugs, Jane
