Monday, February 13, 2012

Prepared To Hit The Million Dollar Jackpot!

Let's play the lottery! Did you know 1/3 of Americans play the lottery in hopes to win the $1 Million Jackpot?  The odds of winning varies in each state: (1 in 15 million to 1 in 50 million).  In the UK the odds of winning are (1 in 14 million).  One young man, described to me the odds of winning the lottery is as-good-as rubbing up next to two Polar Bears and escaping unscratched with your life.

Got a winner! Okay, how about those who do win the lottery?  Why are they not better off after winning a million dollars? For one they have to pay up front taxes.  Then they don't really know how to properly invest their money to keep it.  It goes like this: " I got money and lets buy the house, car, vacation, put into kids education, and give to our family and!"  Well, they now fall into a higher tax bracket and hit harder with taxes.  They have more bills to pay on, property taxes, and more debt.  They have their regular jobs with smaller income, or think they don't need a job anymore and quit, because they are suddenly RICH!  PROBLEM: they are in over their heads and in more debt.  Most of the time end up having to file for bankruptcy or down and out broke.  What a nightmare!

Still interested in hitting the Jackpot?  First-thing-first, you need to raise your financial IQ.  Secondly, associate with success every day.  Thirdly, get over yourself with disappointments and open up your mind.  The past is the past and doesn't define you today nor tomorrow.  It really comes down to you.   What is your dream?  Do you have a burning desire to get your dream?  Are you taking actionIf you are not willing to do as I have done and many before me then keep playing the lottery and good luck! 

Got my winning ticket! What are my odds to win?  Lets see: I have surrounded myself with at least 10 millionaires who have made it in at least two to three years of building successful businesses and associate with me daily.  My education has grown from learning from them and other millionaires I have met along the way.  I am helping others to do the same and have made great friendships with those who want out of the rat race.  I know my odds of hitting the jackpot is a lot better than playing the lottery and my money is spent wisely.  I have learned a lot over the past year and life has gotten better not only financially as it has improved with my family and with relationships.  Please don't think I am bragging as I am offering you as a reader my assistance.  I know what it is like to struggle and in the current economy you need to be prepared for success.  Prepared in ways they don't teach in school today nor is it covered in the daily news.  Come on and get your winning ticket today! May you have a blessed day and God bless!  I would love to hear your comments and you can friend me here and on Facebook!



  1. It's easy to think of the "what if's" such as when you win the lottery, your big ship will come in...Knowing the odds of that ship coming in by some action and your own doing, is far more rewarding than dreaming of the Power Ball in the sky! I like that you want to see others succeed and be healthy, not to mention wealthy.

  2. thanks for comment on Mckmama Community. My son actually already returned from deployment but I love your ideas. I dont understand what your business is and how you can help me figure out what to do and how to work from home.. email me at and thanks for becoming a follower of fried green tomatoes and sweet tea!

    1. I sent you an email and look forward to hearing from you soon! You are very welcome!

  3. I don't play the lottery but if I did I these would be great words to read. It's a noble thing to share with others the knowledge we have received. I enjoyed reading your post! Blessings!

    1. Thanks Kimberly for viewing my blog and kind words! Knowledge is power and it is fun to gain and share! Appreciate your comments!
