Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Heart Of A Businessman

True story of two business friends of mine talking one morning.  

My friends would like to remain anonymous, so I will use the names Mark and Luke for this story.  When I had decided on starting my own business with a team of successful business men and women, Mark was excited to have me on the team and had to tell me about an amazing experience he had that morning.  The story he shared was so inspiring to me I really need to share it. 

Mark noticed Luke had pulled out a piece of paper and marked something off and had a huge smile on his face, for an early morning.  Mark inquired about Luke's joy that morning.  Luke shared he had a Bucket List and finally got to mark a goal off.  On Tuesday, Luke ran into his pastor at the grocery story and was told about a family of four in their church was struggling with the wife working as a school teacher,  her husband was just laid-off, and one child ill in the hospital.  The family asked to be kept in prayer and didn't want anyone to really know their situation.  

Luke knew the side of town they lived in had only two banks.  He was blessed to find the first bank was the one the family used.  He met with the president of the bank and asked what the pay-off balance was on the Smith's house.  He advised the bank president he wanted to remain anonymous and make a deposit on their home.  The family had only three years of payments made on their home at the time.  Luke wrote out a check and told the bank president he wanted the Smith family to receive the deed to their home by Friday, for debt paid in-full.   

That Sunday, Mrs. Smith made an announcement in church service.  She said, " I have a feeling the person I want to thank is in this congregation.  We could have gotten by on what we have and made ends meet.  Whoever you are thanks for your love gift and God bless you!"

Luke told Mark, " I know what it is like to struggle and that was two years ago for me.  Now I have the freedom to be with my children, be there for my aging parents and help others.  One of my personal goals was to pay-off someone's house anonymously.  

It is the heart of a person that makes the greatest difference in people.  I am honored to have people like this as a friend and business mentor.  When your heart is in the right place you can move mountains!  One day soon I will be able to do the same for my family and my parents and wife's parents are not getting any younger either.  God bless!!


  1. how is the heart of a person that makes the difference...
    I have a son named Luke and a son named Mark.

  2. That is really neat that you have two sons who have the same name as the names I put in this blog! The Bible is a great source of names! Thanks for commenting! Sorry I took awhile to comment back to you. May you have a blessed day!
