Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wake Up The Great Leader In You!

Be the leader you were designed to be in the only life you were created.

No matter what walk of life you are in you have a role as a leader.  You may or may not have chosen the position you are in and the fact is you are a leader.  Okay, maybe you are not some top Chief Executive Officer, the Commissioned Officer, the lead supervisor, however; you may be an employee, new business owner, husband, wife, parent, or sibling to someone.  Think I covered the basis here that in some way we have a leadership position in this life.  This subject is nothing new we have all heard about, studied, or been involved in at some level.  You may be a top leader too and just not getting the results you desire.  It is time to wake up the great leader in you! 

I have chosen to focus on leadership, because it has something to do with everything around us every day.  If it was not such an important subject, why do we see shelves full of books on the subject?  Why do we have degrees on the subject?  Why are there seminars on  the subject?  The reason is we are not born to lead we are taught to lead.  We also learn as we go!  We are either the leader or we are lead by a leader.  We are also a leader under the direction of another leader.  All said we are affected in some way by leadership.  

What is the big deal about waking up the great leader in you? 

You have only one shot at this life, once it is gone there is no chance to go back and start over or change it.  If you do not like the current circumstances then be the one to stand up and make the difference.  You can listen to all the advice out there and read all the books and yet you have to take action.  Yes, you have to do something about it! This world is depending on you to shine the light.  You have the ability to change things for yourself, your family, and for your country. 

Too often we hear, "Oh, I can't wait for someone to make things better.  I have an idea to fix this problem, but someone is going to have to it."  That someone is you!  The response to that often goes something like this, "Oh, not me I am not qualified." I don't want to stick my neck out there and get put down or ridiculed.  That's too risky!"  

Here's the wake up for you: 

Congratulations!  You are a child of God, created in His image, and born with the seed of greatness!  As a Christian the world has already been defeated and we live in his Amazing Grace!  Too often we get caught up with our past and decide the past has power over us.  The past does not control who you are or the direction of your future.  Fear is your greatest enemy.  The single most reason most leaders get stuck is due to fear.  What will others think of me?  I might lose my job?  I have no experience.  I am too young or old.  I don't have enough education. I am too poor. I might fail and the cost will be too great.  I don't have time.  If I become rich it will be harder for me to get into Heaven. Stop making excuses. When you are walking in righteousness God will prosper you.  You need to raise your belief in your abilities and be a person of prayer.   " I can do all things through Christ whom stengtheneths me." Philippians 4:13 

The Consequences:

Look around there are enough examples today of what happens when we don't act and be the great leader.  Children go without direction and expected to be raised by teachers, society,  or to figure things out for themselves.  Today's values are set aside and people are afraid to speak up, because they are waiting on someone else.  People die as everyone watches for someone to do something to render CPR or first aid.  Some don't work for themselves because they are afraid of failing, or they just do what everyone else is doing. 

When we don't stand up to be the leader we give up some of our freedom.  We settle for a certain amount of income.  We sacrifice time with family for the job.  We get depressed.  People lose faith in you.  We allow our misfortunes to control who we are and hinder us from reaching our full potential.  We get angry and sense a loss or feel stuck in a no win and dead end situation.  

Make the difference!

Listen up are a winner!  When your wife looks at you she should see a Winner Walking!  When your husband looks at you he sees a Winner Walking!  When your children look at you they see a Winner Walking!  When your employees see you they see a Winner Walking!  When your boss sees you he or she sees a Winner Walking!  I believe my mentor, Lennon, made some great points when he referenced to "Seeing A Winner Walking"  and " God isn't cruel to give us dreams and not a vehicle to achieve them."   I have shared his thoughts here with you.  It was hearing this that really made sense for me and I believe it will do the same for you.  

Now wake up the great leader in you and make the difference.  Besides you only have one life to live!  God bless!!





1 comment:

  1. I like the information you shared...although the General Lee one is hard to top ;)
